Thursday, September 8, 2011

A controlled experiment


             In this experiment on the computer we tested factors that could cause differences in how corn grows. It was important to do a controlled experiment first. This let us know how we could compare the other experiments. When I added the independent variable which was the ECB, the corn didn't grow as healthy and lacked in growth. I also found that the more I added the less the corn was able to produce. The production was the dependent.
           In labs there are many different ways you can conduct them. With plant/animal you can set up an experiment and watch and record your data. You can set up many different trials to find out what all affects the dependent variable. This is different when you start to conduct experiments with human trials. There are two different ways to do this; Interventional or Observational. Interventional is when the test subjects are given a treatment and then research is done on them to decide if it worked or not. Observational is when the test subjects are observed and outcomes are measured.
         Sometimes doctors will give you something called a placebo, this is a mind trick with the patient. The patient thinks its a normal drug but it really does nothing. A double-blind trial is when the doctor also doen't know that he just gave the patient a placebo.   

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